Defining Your Personal Style

Defining Your Personal Style

To kick off our Style 101 Series we talked about 10 Basic Essentials that every women should have in her wardrobe.  Next, let’s talk about defining  your personal style. I believe that It’s so important to know and understand  your personal style and what you feel comfortable wearing.

We all have our favorite celebrities that we love to watch because of how they dress or some of us may be able to look in our closet and pretty much know what works for us and what doesn’t.  But for those of you that have no clue, here are a few of my personal tips that I use to help clients define their personal style.



  • Think about your lifestyle: Do you have children? Are you walking or working out a lot? Do you wear casual clothes everyday or do you dress up more?
  • Start by doing  a Pinterest search of “Style Icons” and save the images that you are drawn to. You will start to see a collection of repeat people you can use for inspiration.
  • Take a second look through your inspiration pictures and focus on the outfits. Decide what attracts you to these ensembles. Pick a few words to describe the looks. Are they ladylike, modern, edgy, bohemian, or classic? Write these words down for future reference and learn to use them whenever you have to describe your style.
  • On those days when you are absolutely in love and feel confident in the outfit that you wear; those are the outfits that show your true personal style. So make sure you take pictures of your favorite looks and use them  as inspiration for future outfits.
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